Many of the Legacy Project elders were concerned about the state of the world. Their lessons reflect long lifetimes of observing humanity and current events. Gwendolyn, 80, offers her views about things we should deeply care about and how to act on them.
Among the most important lessons I have learned during my life are the following:
1. The important role of family and the great benefits realized when there is a close knit and supportive family unit.
2. The very deleterious effects of the increasing emphasis on materialism and material possessions.
3. The destructive impacts on the environment caused by overdevelopment and over population. I am fearful for the coming generations.
4. The pervasive dishonesty and lack of integrity of public officials and the sense of hopelessness for change felt by the average citizen.
5. The alarming tendency manifested by our society’s support of political wars, destruction and mass slaughter of human beings.
6. The apathy of the public to critical issues such as global warming.
My advice to younger generations would be to remain close to your families, pursue education, completely avoid drugs and crime; maintain a code of honesty and integrity despite peer pressure to the contrary; work for honesty in government; care about our environment and work to preserve and improve it.