We welcome contributions of life lessons to the Legacy Project site. This wonderful list of lessons learned was sent to us by John, age 77.
There are no definitive answers to any of life’s questions, but quality joy-in-life can be had in the pursuit of those answers.
Loyalty to one’s own personal beliefs and respect for others’ is the path to a serene life.
Family, country (maybe God if you are religious) need to be honored if one is to survive in an intolerant, unjust world.
Little things do matter and must be tended to so they don’t pile up to become complex things and more difficult to cope with.
Health and marriage must be treated in the same way…daily maintenance with occasional spoons full of sugar to make bad times go down.
You should listen more than speak, which is hard for us to do, so that takes practice.
You should find work that you will be content with because 40 years is a long time doing the same thing.
Heed the advice of your elders. They may not have all the answers, but they have had much more experience than you.
Experience can be a cruel teacher; learn from it.
Being cautiously pessimistic about life will make the sporadic good things that actually do happen seem even better.
You should not fret very long; all things pass. One way or another they will no longer be experienced.
Whether or not you believe in heaven and hell (religion) should not prevent you from being a nice person.
Injustice exists. Get used to it.