Some of the elders shared their core values, summing up wisdom gained over a lifetime. One of these responses came from Maureen, who is nearing her hundredth birthday.
I am 97 and 5/6 so I have had a long learning time! (I was at my university in June for my 75th reunion.) These are some of the values I’ve learned over my life; old fashioned but true.
1. Integrity. Without honesty, dependability, truthfulness, and self-respect life isn’t worth living.
2. Commitment. To marriage and sexual fidelity. To good family life, for without it, even though one inherits a good “nature” it is difficult through “nurture” to learn patience, respect for others, cooperation, and love anywhere else.
3. Healthy living. Best learned in family.
4. Respect for racial, cultural, and religious differences. Not only tolerated but understood if possible.
5. Hard work. Setting attainable goals and persistence in attaining them. One doesn’t have to be a wealthy big shot to be a successful person or have a “good life”.
6. Immersion in a “cause” bigger than oneself.
7. Expansion of one’s interests through reading, study of arts and sciences. Keep up to date.
8. Deep but unfanatical faith in a higher being. It is basic to a caring, generous, whole human being who can maintain equilibrium in a turbulent world.
By trying to learn these “lessons” I find that one is bound to be respected, loved, happy, even considered a role model.