Still in the Race: New Videos with Lessons for Aging Well

Should we worry so much about getting older? Research shows that many young people do. So one of the most surprising findings from the Legacy Project is how positive most of the elders are about life after 70. In these two compelling videos, Jackie and Dr. Monty share their strategies for positive aging.

3 thoughts on “Still in the Race: New Videos with Lessons for Aging Well

  1. Why worry about aging? is a normal process of our life. And then the picture is not so much that others do for you … but the view you have of yourself. I’ve seen people 90 years of the most beautiful and vital that you see so many young people in the street!

  2. No point in WORRYING, but there may be a few points in imagining the probable future and doing some preparation for getting there as gracefully as possible. You are going to age as you have lived; with some difficulties thrown at you.
    I am enough of a curmudgeon to get irritated with paeons to the beauty of aging. Not everyone who lasts long is a wise role model; the infirmities of age are often ugly and frustrating and remove one from the mainstream of life.You do not get to choose whether or not your brain outlasts the body or vice versa; but then, even at 25 you really do not know what’s around the corner. So — don’t waste time in worry, but do get out there and engage with other people and activities that matter to you – and a lot of them! as they are the basis for a more active and contented old old age.

  3. All of the videos are fantastic and encouraging. Dr. Monty’s advice to exercise and engage with others is extremely important advice for those who plan to “lean” into aging. Every year, more medical research points to the importance of exercise as preventative to developing chronic disease and staying healthy. Great advice for all of us, after all, what is the one thing that all of us have in common? We are all aging – 10,000 people turn 65 every day!

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