Have You Finally Found “The One?” The Elders Tell You How to Decide

wait for marriageA few weeks ago, I posted about three mistakes people make in choosing a partner. These “warning signs”  came from my studies of over 700 older people, who shared their lessons about love, relationships and marriage (detailed in 30 Lessons for Loving: Advice from the Wisest Americans on Love, Relationships, and Marriage, just published this month).

Readers now want to know, however: “What should I do to make a smart choice?”  I’m happy to offer you what people who have made it to the finish line of marriage say are the smart moves for mate selection. Based on around 25,000 years of married life, here are three of the elders’ tips for making the smart decision about a mate.

1. Marry someone who can talk. The elders told me that the strong, silent type can be very attractive – but is not so great as a life partner for decades. Instead, they agreed that for a successful marriage you need to talk. Sure, differences exist among individuals in just how open or reserved they are. But the elders say that once you are in a marriage, you need to add one more marital vow: to have and hold, to care in sickness and health – and to talk

The elders agree: There’s no way to be married happily for decades unless your partner is a talker. Not all the time, if that’s not his or her personality. But when there are important issues in the relationship, decisions to be made, disappointment or dissatisfaction that is festering – then things are different. At such times, your partner simply must be able to talk freely and constructively about important issues, or the marriage is not likely to be happy, or even to last.

Cora, 72, told me:

Always, always talk to one another. That is very important because you lose sight of your marriage if you don’t talk. What’s the sense of two people living together if they’re not going to communicate about things that are happening? If you don’t communicate, then you’re not going to get along.

Joshua, 81, was even blunter:

If you can’t communicate, then there’s no intimacy. You’re just two dead ducks.

The elders say that the smart move is to marry someone who can comfortably share ideas and feelings. And it’s not just talking about problems. Equally important, they believe that frequent and vibrant conversation keeps the relationship spark alive. One diagnostic test: Can you go out for dinner and maintain a mutually interesting conversation over a long meal? If so, it’s a very good sign.

2. You’re happy with your partner as is.

There is one issue on which long-married elders are unanimous: Getting married based on a plan to change your partner is a terrible mistake. Treating your potential spouse as a do-it-yourself project is a recipe for failure. Most of them made that mistake themselves, and they have seen their children and grandchildren do it too. People are so much in love – or desperate to settle on a partner – that they indulge in the false hope that they can make their mate into someone new.

The elders are blunt about this lesson. Darren, 79, told me:

Changing someone after marriage? It never happens. Don’t’ try to force your likes or dislikes on somebody. All the things that annoy you – either you can accept them or look for somebody else.

And Melissa, 82, added:

It’s human nature to want to change somebody. But if I want to change you, what got me to like you in the first place? They’re not going to change because the other person wants to make them change.

After talking to the elders, I came up with a list of “Things You May Tell Yourself about Your Partner that Won’t Come True.” It includes statements like this (male and female pronouns are randomly used – these apply to both genders!)

He thinks he doesn’t want kids, but that will change after we get married.

  • She hates my family now, but they’ll grow on her.
  • After we’re married, I’ll get him on a diet and he’ll lose that gut.
  • I’ll put us on a budget so she can’t keep racking up credit card debt.

The list can go on and on – and the elders tell you to that this kind of thinking is all wrong.

The smart move: List out your partner’s personality characteristics or behaviors and ask yourself, “Can I live with them for a lifetime if they never change?” If the answer’s yes, the elders say you are heading in the right direction.

3. Your partner is financially responsible.

First, let me be clear: the elders believe in love. In fact, when I sorted through responses to the question, “What advice would you give to young person about choosing a mate,” the top answer was: “Be in Love!” However, they warn that following only your heart-pounding passion into marriage is a prescription for disaster. I can’t put it any clearer than Stanley, age 66:

The glow of love shouldn’t wipe out all the logic and the rational common sense that you need to make the decision of who you’re going to marry.

Because marriage is much more than the feeling of being in love. Instead, it’s a formal economic and legal arrangement that makes couples financial lives inextricably entwined. Yes, believe in love – but the smart move is not to be blind to practicalities. And one of these the ability to make a living and handle money.

Most couples in our society need two incomes to achieve their financial goals. Therefore, the elders say that men and women alike must ask the question: Will the person I’m in love with be economically viable. Your economic success and standard of living will be connected inextricably to that of another person. The elders suggest you take off your rose-colored glasses for a moment and examine two things.

As Cecilia, age 74, put it:

It’s hard to think about material things when you’re physically attracted to someone; it’s hard to put that aside. But one thing to look at is both of your attitudes toward work. It’s awfully hard to be working all the time and someone else is sitting there watching you. If one has to be carried all the time, that’s hard. Does the person want to succeed in school, or succeed in their work, or succeed period? It’s something you need to take into consideration.

In addition, conscientious money management is diagnostic for the relationship’s future. You will, they say, be truly wedded to your partner’s financial attitudes and behaviors. Eric, age 69, told me:

One of the most frequent reasons for marriage breakups has to do with financial problems. And those are things that people can generally tell in advance. If you’re talking about somebody that’s totally profligate in their spending habits, it’s a warning sign.

So there you have it – three smart moves to compliment the three “dumb” mistakes I wrote about earlier. For many more relationship tips from the elders, take a look at the book and visit us at www.marriagelegacy.org.

2 thoughts on “Have You Finally Found “The One?” The Elders Tell You How to Decide

  1. My husband was always unhappy being married to me. We have been married 10 years and we are both 68. It turns out that he thought if he married me he would become a very wealthy man and it never happened. It is so sad, as he feels that he is the victim. I do remember him asking me if I was rich and I said no. but he must have thought he knew more.
    I do not want a divorce. I feel that he should man-up and try to make it work. I am.

  2. Sorry to hear that Jan…I hope you have a life insurance policy on him. Sounds like that is the only thing you have to look forward to being married to that gold digging piece of work. You deserve better…there is something worse than being alone and that is being with someone that does not love you. Been there done that…

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